production members Overview
A Production Volunteer provides critical support for creative, logistical, marketing, and other key components necessary to the success of the organization. These Volunteers serve supportive, non-performing roles on a continuing basis at performances, fundraisers, and collaborative projects.
Production roles include, but are not limited to: fundraising, event coordination, public relations, artistic support, trip planning, photography, videography, and transporting supplies at events and parades. Cheer DC cannot operate without dedicated Production Volunteers.
Prospective Production Volunteers must demonstrate the level of sportsmanship and teamwork adequate to volunteer with a team, as determined by the Production Manager, Committee Chairperson, and/or Board Directors.
Prospective Production Volunteers must complete an interview with at least one member of the Board or others appointed by the Board, demonstrating the qualities and character needed to be a Production Volunteer.
Production members must purchase a Cheer DC t-shirt to wear during events, estimated at $10-30.